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Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy

1. Policy Statement


1.1 Film Constellation is committed to providing a working environment free from harassment and bullying, where everyone is treated, and treats others, with dignity and respect. The Company will not tolerate or condone any form of bullying or harassment.


1.2 This policy applies to bullying or harassment involving anyone engaged to work at the Company, collaborate, or participate in the UK Next Genre Lab workshops, as well as third parties such as clients or vendors. It covers incidents occurring during workshops and outside of them, including on trips or at related social events.


1.3 This policy may be amended at any time.


1.4 This policy is fully supported by Film Constellation's management and the workshops’ co-organizers, who are committed to promoting a safe and respectful environment.


2. Policy Aims


2.1 The aim of this policy is to create a workshop environment where:


- Everyone feels safe, supported, and able to perform their best work.

- Bullying and harassment are not tolerated.


2.2 This policy also aims to foster a culture that is tolerant, open, and inclusive, where differences are embraced, and the contributions of all are valued and respected.


3. Policy Implementation


3.1 To put this policy into action, we will:


  1. Consult and engage with team members and workshop participants in developing and implementing an Anti-Bullying Action Plan.

  2. Monitor and assess the impact of our policies, practices, and workplace culture on equality issues.

  3. Implement targeted actions to address identified issues.

  4. Communicate this policy to all employees, collaborators, and workshop participants, ensuring they understand our commitment to fair treatment and their obligations under this policy.

  5. Take appropriate action when incidents occur that breach this policy (see Section 8).

  6. Regularly review the effectiveness of this policy and evaluate the success of our action plan.


4. Legal Duties


4.1 See the Equality & Diversity Act, point 4, for details and definitions.


5. Definitions and Further Explanations


This policy is based on the following definitions:


Harassment: Unwanted physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct that violates a person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment. A single serious incident may constitute harassment. Harassment may involve sexual harassment or be related to other Protected Characteristics detailed in our Equal Opportunities policy, including age, disability, gender reassignment, marital status, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.


​Examples of Harassment:


  • Display or circulation of sexually suggestive or racially offensive material.

  • Use of derogatory slang for racial, age, or disability groups.

  • Professional or social exclusion.

  • Unwanted physical contact, such as touching or grabbing.

  • Unwelcome sexual advances or suggestive behavior.

  • Offensive emails, texts, or social media content.



​Harassment is judged by its effect on the recipient, not the harasser’s intent. Even behavior seen as harmless can be harassment if it creates an offensive environment for someone.​


Bullying: A sustained form of psychological abuse involving offensive, intimidating, malicious, or insulting behavior that belittles, humiliates, or threatens the recipient. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or indirect and ranges from overt actions like violence to subtle ones like exclusion.


Examples of Bullying:


  • Shouting or swearing at someone publicly or privately.

  • Spreading malicious rumors.

  • Making inappropriate remarks about performance.

  • Physical or psychological threats.

  • Ignoring or deliberately excluding individuals.

  • Excessive supervision or micromanaging.

  • Sabotaging or hindering work performance.


Legitimate, reasonable, and constructive criticism of performance or behavior does not constitute bullying.


6. Roles and Responsibilities


6.1 Film Constellation’s Responsibilities:


  • Oversee and enforce this policy.

  • Provide leadership on anti-bullying and harassment.

  • Protect and support those involved, ensuring no retaliation against individuals who report incidents in good faith.


6.2 Senior Management and Leadership Team’s Responsibilities:


  • Lead by example in promoting respectful behavior.

  • Foster a supportive work environment.

  • Communicate behavioral expectations to their teams.

  • Respond to bullying and harassment promptly and effectively.

  • Report complaints to the General Manager or CEO.


6.3 All Staff and Participants’ Responsibilities:


  • Treat others with dignity and respect.

  • Report bullying, harassment, or unfair treatment they experience or witness.

  • Contribute to a safe working environment.


7. Monitoring and Implementation


7.1 If staff, collaborations or workshops participants experience or witness bullying or harassment, they should decide whether to handle the matter informally or formally, based on the severity of the behavior.


7.2 An informal discussion may help address the issue if the person is unaware of the impact of their actions. If direct communication is not feasible, seek assistance from a line manager or trusted colleague.


7.3 If informal resolution is inappropriate or unsuccessful, raise the issue with the General Manager or CEO, who will investigate and respond appropriately.


7.4 Bullying or harassment related to Protected Characteristics may constitute unlawful discrimination, potentially resulting in criminal charges.


7.5 If an employee, collaborator or workshops participant is harassed by a third party, such as a customer or supplier, the Company will take reasonable steps to prevent recurrence.


7.6 Legal and/or disciplinary action will be taken against individuals who make false complaints in bad faith.







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